Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Self Portrait

For this self portrait I used a graphite pencil. You can't really tell with the picture, but I love the value I created with the eyes and nose. I said in my contour line self portrait I have the hardest time with the jawline and eyes, but in this one I think the eyes came out the best. I was drawing from a picture of me laying down, so my eyes are looking up a bit. I like the texture I created with my hair, although I think it could have been a little messier since i was laying down. I laughed when I looked at my very first self-portrait because I didn't create any sense of value and the proportions were not as accurate. For my background, I ran out of space, so I wanted something that was layered and tried doing a latisse type drawing. I guess for two different reasons I wanted that as my background- I love using it in pastry and I think I'm hard to read, hence the layers that people can see and that only I can see. I really like how this final piece came out, I would love to try it with charcoal to add more value. My one compaint on this portrait would be my face came out wider then it should have, but overall think I captured my features and others could see the resemblance as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

contour line drawing of myself

Since I'm not great at drawing faces, my goal was to draw a face that resembled mine. I took a picture of myself and started drawing with a graphite pencil. The hardest parts for me were the eyes and the jawline, but overall I think I did a decent job. I think the size of all my features is consistent with each other. It doesn't look exactly like me, but if you squint or look quickly, you can tell it's me, which I'm pretty happy with.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Picture Plane

(Using conte crayon)

(using graphite pencil)

Point of View

(Ant's Eye View)
(Bird's Eye View)
(one point perspective)
(two point perspective)
(three point perspective)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I used a monochromatic color scheme with the base color violet. I used four different hues to show value. I really liked this assignment because I love making collages and it was very similar to that. My piece is of all different shapes of vases.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Still Life Texture

I thought this was both fun and challenging. Picking the right prints/rubs was difficult to match for value. I actually wish I had done more prints. The rubs, especially the conte and charcoal were pretty messy. I didn't try the hair spray trick and probably should have. Overall, I love doing collages, so I hope it came out alright and showed the proper values.